Das Leben der Wünsche

in production
Release: November 13th, 2025


Lost in a world where more is always better, a disillusioned family man is given the power to grant his every wish - only to be confronted with his own dark and unconscious desires.

Felix (Matthias Schweighöfer) finds himself at a crossroads, overwhelmed by the collapse of his family life and career. His wife, Bianca (Luise Heyer), wants a separation, his children are growing distant, and he’s even losing his hair. After being fired, Felix hits rock bottom, until a mysterious stranger (Henry Hübchen) offers him three wishes. Desperate, Felix wishes for all his desires to come true, hoping to restore his family, career, and sense of purpose. Suddenly, everything he ever wanted—and more—becomes reality. However, he soon realizes that his newfound success comes at a price, as he spirals into the depths of his darkest desires, confronting the hidden recesses of his subconscious.


"Das Leben der Wünsche" is a PANTALEON Films production with ProU Producers United Film in co-production with Seven Pictures Film. ProU/Filmwelt will release the film in 2025.
This project is supported by FFF Bayern, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Filmförderungsanstalt and Deutsche Filmförderfonds.


Matthias Schweighöfer, Luise Heyer, Verena Altenberger, Benno Fürmann, Henry Hübchen, Ruby O. Fee, Jan Krauter, ...


Director: Erik Schmitt
Script: Friedemann Karig, Erik Schmitt
DOP: Johannes Louis